Turk's Head Knot Sterling Silver Cuff

Turk's Head Knot Sterling Silver Cuff


An homage to the New England classic turk’s head knot maritime bracelet, in a sterling silver cuff and sourced from Istanbul, Turkey.

  • Vintage (one of kind)

  • Sterling silver

  • Found in Istanbul, Turkey

  • 8" circumference

  • Shape to fit

  • Unisex

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During long voyages at sea, sailors would braid bracelets from ropes on their ships to show off their knot tying skills. In addition to being a past time, these Turk’s Head knot bracelets were also practical. Sailors would wipe their brow with them during physical activities, such as cleaning the deck, and lifting cargo and supplies on and off the deck.

These maritime bracelets were believed to bring the wearer good fortune and keep them safe during their time at sea. They are symbolic of friendship, harmony, and love. Legend has it that sailors would handcraft these knot bracelets to give to a lover upon arriving back in port. When the sailor went back out to sea, their loved one had something to remember them by.

Our vintage turk’s head knot cuffs in sterling silver were found in Istanbul and honor the maritime bracelet’s lore while serving as a keepsake that only gets better with age.

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