Julie Last Name
“Cinema is halfway between life and art.”
by Frederick Egan Castleberry
I love cinema. It is perhaps the most singular source of inspiration in my approach to fashion design. I steal from it with such voracity that it’s criminal at this point. So when one of my best friends, writer/director Alex Beh, called me last year to design the costumes for his short film, it was an easy yes (after I read the script, of course).
Alex and I share a mutual love and admiration for tailored clothing and cinema…more specifically, tailored clothing in cinema. Martin Scorsese. Wes Anderson. Woody Allen. Jean Luc-Godard. Our auteurist Mount Rushmore.
The motion picture is a highly collaborative medium. The experience of being on set is magical—there’s an energy that amounts to a large group of people all pulling in the same direction. The sum being greater than the parts. I find the entire process—especially the finished work—fascinating. I am grateful and honored to have been in the room.
This short film, Julie Last Name, is screening at NOWNESS currently.