In the Spirit of the Hamptons


“It’s the kind of place where most residents only live sixteen weeks out of the year. It’s the kind of place where you see a woman walking down the street with her son, you say “hello” as if you know her, and realize it is Julianne Moore. It’s the kind of place where 350-year-old trees give an old-world character. It’s the kind of place where just as you are about to drive home, the sunset sweeps across the vast sky in an orange or pink so vibrant that you have to pull over to watch it.”

Kelly Killoren-Bensimon

From the publishing house for people with taste comes In the Spirit of the Hamptons. Author Kelly Killoren-Bensimon and her family split their time between New York City and East Hampton; she’s an insider on the Hamptons experience. East Hampton. Amagensett. Montauk. It’s all in there alongside photography that will make you swoon for a Summer weekend on the island.